Why Was I Not Offered a Speed Awareness Course? Possible Explanations

Why Was I Not Offered a Speed Awareness Course

In the UK, drivers caught dangerous driving or speeding are given an option to attend a Speed Awareness Course (SAC) instead of getting penalty points added onto their license. Although many drivers are offered this probability, not all of them are allowed to participate in the course. For those motorists who have been caught speeding and asked the question: I could also ask myself why was I not given a speed awareness course? You may be wondering if there are many reasons why you have not been given this opportunity, and understanding them can help you avoid confusion in the future.

What is a Speed Awareness Course?

A Speed Awareness Course is a non compulsory course which serves as a preferred option to receiving points and fines when one is caught speeding. These courses are aimed at bringing into focus the existing speed limit and the risks associated with speeding. Some of the areas of focus include; road safety, risk of speed, effect of speed on response time, brake distance and road safety in general. Passing of the course lets drivers to prevent gaining specific penalty points on the driving license, thereby preventing increased insurance tariffs and possible disqualification for accumulating points.

However, not everyone can attend an SAC and there are several factors that make the difference between an invite and no invitation.

Why Was I Not Offered a Speed Awareness Course? Possible Explanations

Why Was I Not Offered a Speed Awareness Course (1)

1. The Speed You Were Driving

There are several reasons why you may not be enrolled to the speed awareness course and one of them is the nature of the speeding offence. That is, speed awareness courses are given to the drivers who are caught speeding but at some limits above the current legal limit. 

  • Up to 10% over the speed limit plus 2mph: Moving offences that fall within this bracket are usually taken to a speed awareness course.
  • More than 10% over the limit: If you exceeded the limit by just over 10%, or if caught speeding at unbelievably high rates, no course will be given to you but rather a fixed penalty.

2. Your Driving History

The other major factor that determines how whether one is taken through a speed awareness course is the previous record on the road. You normally will not be capable of doing another speed awareness course if you have already taken one over the last three years. This is in order to encourage drivers to use the course as a normal way of avoiding getting penalty points. Your eligibility also depends on the number of points whichhaves been mentioned in the driving licence. If you are disqualified, they don’tenroll you for a course because your score is 12 and above.

Even if you have a number of previous offences in your driving records, they may also affect your application. Depending on your record, the police may not think it necessary to educate you any further, and you may be punished or fined.

3. Local Police Force Policies

Despite having a similar program, different police forces in different areas of the UK have different rules regarding who is eligible to attend SA or who cannot attend SA. Although there are guidelines that may assist in achieving this, the local authority typically makes the best and final determination dealing with the speedingoffencee. There may be police forces that only offer a course to any taker, while others may set high standards for the conduct of their course participants. For instance, some forces may provide the course for minor offences regardless of the fact that you are a 3-time offender. To others, it’s only for first-time offenders.

As much as the above-discussed factors influence the offer of the courses, it is also important to point out that the display of local law enforcement policies may also impact the offer of the courses. Depending on the situation, the option with limited places or fully booked courses will be excluded from the option even if you are eligible.

4. The Type of Road and Location of Offence

The place where you were arrested for aoffencese of speeding may dictate whether you will be offered a speed awareness course or not. For instance, if the speeding took place in a high-risk area high-risk roadhigh-riskk road zone (a dual carriageway or motorway, for example), you may not be given the opportunity to attend the course. These zones are usually recognised as having a higher risk, and the authorities may want to punish the offenders more severely in order to prevent reckless driving.

Depending on the location, certain regions may show more aggression when it comes to traffic laws, and local plans for combating road safety might not include offering offenders an opportunity to take speed awareness courses. In such circumstances, drivers may be sent a Fixed Penalty Notice or taken to court instead.

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5. Speeding in Certain Vehicles

There are some occasions when the particular driver of the specific car will be unable to attend the speed awareness course. This can involve drivers of commercial vehicles or those who are using the vehicle for their work. For instance, they were caught speeding during duty. This is because there is more probability and accountability involved with operating such a kind of car.

In this case, commercial vehicle drivers, including those who drive the big lorry and the delivery van, may be subjected to stiffer penalties because of the extra dangers that their vehicles cause. Sometimes, however, the authorities do not give the option of taking a speed awareness course, and instead, drivers are fined or gain penalty points.

6. The Nature of the Crime and the Conditions

Depending on the circumstances under which you were caught speeding, you might also be disqualified from taking a speed awareness course.Supposef you were caught speeding in dangerous circumstances, for example during rainy weather, near school, or in a residential are. In that case,, the authorities may consider this as a more serious offence and thus may not provide you with the course.

If your speeding was part of a string of repeated dangerous or reckless drivin,,g even if the actual speed was not hig,h you may also be consideredunsuitablee for a speed awareness course.

7. Recent Changes in Legislation

Now and then there might be amendments in traffic signs or policy and procedure regarding speeding offences and Speed Awareness Courses. For instance, it may be possible to alter the types of offences that are admissible under the course, reduce or increase the number of participants eligible under the course in view of changeand s in public safety or government policy. If there have been recent changes in your area that would require one to meet new requirements for SAC eligibility then it most probably you have not been offered a course due to these changes i,n rules or regulation.


Well, why was I not given the opportunity to attend a speed awareness course?Theree may be different reasons why this may occu, includinge the level of the speeding offence, your record,the  type of car you were drivin,g and the rules in your state or country. 

If you believe you should be offered a speed awareness course or if you are unsure as to why you can’t be, then you can contact the local police force. In future, the rules and criteria of the speed awareness courses will help you to avoid confusion and makethe  right choices.

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